Lyam came to Applelec with 5 years of signage fabrication experience, starting out in our letter fabrication unit but ultimately aspired to move into sales, so when the opportunity arose, he grabbed it with enthusiasm. His knowledge and experience in signage fabrication makes him an asset to both the team and our customers but it is his cheeky charm that really solidifies his position and I think we all agree he was born to be in sales! We sat down to find out more about what makes him tick.
What did you do before joining Applelec? I worked in signage assembly for 5 years and behind a bar on the weekends. I was promoted to bar manager and so left signage assembly to do this fulltime, then found out I was going to be a Dad and wanted more sociable hours so went back to signage fabrication. I also worked as a home delivery driver for Asda through the pandemic and then made the move to Applelec, starting out on the shopfloor and when an opportunity in the signage sales team arose, I jumped at the opportunity to progress.
What made you make the change from shopfloor to sales? I just wanted a change of direction and a chance to use my knowledge and experience to progress.
What’s your biggest strength? My hands on experience in assembly
Do you have a favourite project since joining the team? Yes, I had a job from a customer who had just started his own signage company and secured his biggest contract to date. This involved cabochon bulbs which he wasn’t as familiar with and so there was a lot of back and forth to support him and get this right for his biggest customer. The job went really well & will hopefully lead to more jobs for my customer. I also worked on a job for a racecourse, which had a lot of guidelines that needed to be met, so a lot of thought and planning needed to go into these signs and I was really pleased with the outcome.
What do you like to do in your spare time? Football, I’m currently trying to organise an Applelec 5 a-side team. Days out with my daughter Olivia and computer gaming, depending on how lazy I’m feeling!
Tell us an interesting fact about yourself.
My Mum moved to Holland when I was 16 so I started learning Dutch and can string a couple of sentences together….Hallo, mijn naam is Lyam. Ik ben Engels, hoe gaat het?
I also won the Peroni perfect poured pint whilst I was working in a bar.
Get in touch with Lyam to discuss your latest project:
Email: lyam.roche@applelec.co.uk
Tel: 01274 470704