The lovely Jayne has been with Applelec for 2 years now and although she was new to the signage industry when she joined our signage sales team, she has thrown herself in wholeheartedly to training and has become a popular member of the team, who really cares about getting a job right for our customers. We sat down with Jayne to find out more.
What did you do before you came to Applelec? I worked in re-mortgage and equity release. During lockdown we had to work from home, and I disliked the lack of contact with other people. The role at Applelec popped up just at the right time and although I didn’t have industry experience, I liked the vibe and was willing to learn and luckily Applelec were happy to invest in teaching me new skills, so I just went for it!
How have you found the learning process since starting? I love all aspects of the job; I have learned so much in these 2 years and carry on learning daily. I also love being able to talk to my partner, (who is a sheet metal/fabricator), regarding the metal aspect to the projects I am working on too.
What do you think is your biggest strength in this role? Honestly, I try treat each sign as though it was my personal sign.
What has been your favourite project you’ve worked on so far? I’d have to say Pennine Five. This was a huge built-up letter that required biscuit tin back trays which was something I hadn’t done before. The client came up from Southampton to our Yorkshire factory, which gave us the valuable opportunity to talk through everything with the team and show the customer around. I don’t normally get the opportunity to do this with customers so that was nice, and really helped to ensure the project ran smoothly. It was great to see this project from concept right through to myself and our Production Manager Jonny going to site in Sheffield to ensure everything was ok on delivery of the project. This project taught me that we all play a part in every job and asking for help is not a sign of weakness.
What do you do in your spare time? I love camping and myself, mum and sister each have a caravan on the same site, which is great for family holidays with the grand kids.
Tell us an interesting fact about yourself: I won 1st place in the under 16 amateur freestyle disco dancing competition at the Blackpool Tower Ballroom. I started dancing aged 7 and danced ballroom, Latin, rock n roll and disco right through to taking my rose bowl home just before having my first child.
Get in touch with Jayne to discuss your latest project:
Email: jayne.temple@applelec.co.uk
Tel: 01274 513 273